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Market Research

The market research industry in Europe comprises a large number of players that offer services related to the analysis of consumer conduct. These include, for example, traditional market research institutes, online panel providers, consulting firms and pure software providers.

This sector is of great importance to consumer goods companies as it provides information that is essential for the development of marketing strategies, product innovation and the optimisation of the customer experience. The turnover of market research institutes in Europe amounted to around 21 billion euros in 2022.

Ready to Meet the Growing Demands?

Sector Description and Current Trends


There are currently a number of market trends in the market research industry that challenge traditional providers. One important trend is the increased use of real-time surveys. For example, consumer surveys are being packaged as part of the digital shopping journey or high-volume consumer data is being collected on neutral media in on-click solutions.

The use of big data and the integration of new technologies such as in-store analytics and artificial intelligence enable larger volumes of data to be analysed and faster insights to be gained than with traditional consumer surveys in front of or in stationary retail stores. Companies are increasingly relying on automated solutions and innovative tools to collect, process and interpret data.

Another trend is the personalisation of market research services. Companies are increasingly looking for customised solutions that are precisely tailored to their needs. Market research providers are responding to this by developing more flexible and individualised approaches and also using qualitative market research methods such as interviews and (online) focus groups to gain a comprehensive understanding of customer needs.

Constant Change

What Challenges Is the Market Research Sector Facing?



With the increasing use of data and digital technologies, data protection will become even more important. The market research industry must ensure that it has strict data protection policies and procedures in place to gain consumer confidence and protect their data. Companies must be transparent and provide users with clear information about how their data is used.


The amount and variety of available data will continue to increase. The market research industry must be able to process, analyse and extract meaningful insights from this large volume of data. It is crucial to use advanced data analysis techniques and tools to maximise the value of the collected data.


Consumer behaviour and preferences are constantly changing. The market research industry must adapt and develop innovative methods to understand and predict consumer needs. Companies must be able to react quickly to new trends and changes in order to remain competitive.


New technologies such as automation and artificial intelligence will continue to drive the market research industry forward. Automation of processes and the use of AI algorithms can deliver more efficient and accurate results.

At the same time, there is the challenge of retaining the human factor in the interpretation and evaluation of market research. Increasing regulation in the field of artificial intelligence by the European Commission will result in rising regulatory requirements for processes.


With increasing globalisation, companies will increasingly tap into international markets. The market research industry must adapt to cultural differences, local characteristics and different consumer preferences. It is important to have international expertise and local knowledge in order to implement effective market research strategies in different countries.

Understanding the Market

Valuable Assistance in Market Research

Contact Us

appJobber can provide valuable assistance in overcoming the challenges of the market research industry.


Our jobbers are sent to selected locations to check the service quality there. These users are available throughout Europe to carry out tests according to clearly defined dialogue guidelines. Photographs of the sales outlet and verification of the geodata ensure that the mystery shoppers visit the correct address. After completing the job, they answer questions about the service provided on location using the appJobber app.


Jobbers can also be deployed to buy specific products. Whether in a supermarket, electronics store or drugstore - appJobber provides thousands of users who are also consumers themselves. They can test new products on request and give their opinion on them.

Our jobbers answer questions about their purchasing and consumer behaviour and provide concrete insight into their product preferences. This gives manufacturers actionable shopper insights and allows them to present their product to a large number of potential customers at the same time. 


appJobber offers ad-hoc surveys on brand awareness, attitudes and product preferences via its large consumer base. This makes it possible to measure and explain shifts in purchasing behaviour. The survey participants are recruited on a representative basis according to specific specifications. Finally, conclusions are drawn from the survey results, and recommendations for marketing strategies are derived.

Explore the Market With Us!

Every project has its own requirements and special characteristics. We are happy to discuss your requirements with you and draw up an offer that exactly matches your needs. We look forward to getting to know you and your company!

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