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Price Monitoring

Optimise Your Pricing Strategy

The prices of your competition form the basis for your price optimisation. This makes it all the more important to ensure a comprehensive and timely survey. Our jobbers are available nationwide and collect prices quickly, reliably and efficiently.

What About Pricing?

We’ll Show You!


We Monitor

price data on site – comprehensive and fast

We Visit

outlets as a one-off or cyclical survey – you decide!

Capturing Shelf Price Data Efficiently

with appJobber

To optimise their own sales prices, companies need the prices of their direct competitors. Conventional approaches using agencies have simply proven to be too expensive, slow and inflexible. As a result, sales prices are recorded in small, selective samples that do not reflect the competition across the board. Price and margin optimisation in the interest of professional price management cannot be achieved in this way.

To record your competitors' sales prices systematically, quickly and cost-effectively, rely on appJobber! Thousands of consumers are available to collect the required data at the POS - quickly and comprehensively - using their own smartphone.

Actionable Insights

in just 24 hours

The appJobber users document the prices of your competitors with pictures, date, time and store address. Hundreds or thousands of sales outlets can be visited within a short period of time in order to gain regional or national insights.

As the client, you specify retailers, sales areas and distribution channels to ensure that we capture the exact data you need. The following data collection options are also available:

  • Ad Hoc: one-off price survey of individual items or item lists
  • Cyclical: regular monitoring of specified articles & retailers
  • Basket surveys: Price collection of typical shopping baskets or entry-level prices (e.g. "the cheapest milk" or "the cheapest beer")

Our manual quality evaluation carried out in Germany using shelf photos ensures the highest degree of accuracy. appJobber can provide price information nationwide just 24 hours after the order is placed.

Price Monitoring

The price recording can be supplemented by additional KPIs - during the same visit. This is how we regularly collect data:

  • Strike-through prices, promotional prices and other price labelling claims
  • Shelf stoppers with labelling ("discount price", "promotion", "new")
  • Package size of the consumer unit
  • Current promotions & campaigns in the secondary placement
  • Out of shelves & out of stocks


appJobber provides its customers with all collected data in easily importable standard formats such as Excel and thus keeps price management systems up to date with the latest data. In addition, we provide you with a price monitoring dashboard with a nationwide price map for your products, in which the data collected is also presented in a user-friendly and easy-to-analyse format for employees. This makes well-founded price adjustments easy!

Let’s deliver – together!

Quick Project Start

Once commissioned, the appJobber experts create the jobs for the crowdworkers within a few days according to your briefing. This ensures that even time-critical surveys are started and completed within the campaign period.

Representative Sampling

With over one million active users, appJobber ensures that the data collected is statistically significant. appJobber can also cover rural areas and smaller retail chains.

Customised Reporting

appJobber collects precisely the data you need. We discuss your specific goals in advance and design both the survey and the analysis in such a way that you can control your activities at the point of sale in the best possible manner.

Real-Time Dashboard

Part of our collaboration is always your free access to the appJobber dashboard. Here you can follow the data collection in the field in real time, analyse it visually and react immediately.

Quality Analysis Made in Germany

Our in-house analysts evaluate all collected data according to consistent standards. We check the quality, plausibility and geographical veracity of results at our headquarters in Germany – compliant with the GDPR.

Value for Money

With appJobber, you pay per store visit. Depending on the task, the desired data can be collected at a low cost - significantly below the personnel costs for your own sales force.

What About Your Pricing Strategy?

Every project has its own requirements and special characteristics. We are happy to discuss your requirements with you and draw up an offer that exactly matches your needs. We look forward to getting to know you and your company!

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