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We Treat Your Data Well

Data Protection Declaration

according to §13 GDPR

Welcome to

wer|denkt|was GmbH, the operator of this website and the app, is taking your the protection of your personal data and your privacy very seriously.

Generally, can use this website for information purposes only without sharing personal data. Furthermore, you can become an active jobber yourself, register as a customer and thus transmitting personal data to us via the website or app. You transmit, for instance, your email address during the registration process, your fiscal status, name and surname, if you complete your profile after registering, or your bank details, if you want your balance to be cashed out.

If this data is collected, stored or processed, the regulations provided by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), the Tele Media Law (TMG), and all other relevant law policies are adhered to.

The following privacy statement describes the collection, storage and processing of your personal data related to the usage of the website, the appjobber app and country-specific appjobber websites (short: Furthermore, we describe measures to protect your data. Our actions are orientated towards the principle of data avoidance and minimization. We only collect, store and use your personal data as described herein after. In case of questions related to the collection, storage and usage of personal data concerning appjobber, please contact (

The site is hosted in the AWS cloud. AWS cloud is a part of Amazon Web Services and is operated by Amazon Web Services, Inc., P.O. Box 81226, Seattle, WA 98108-1226. Amazon Web Services entered the EG-US privacy shield programme in order to guarantee privacy-compliant transport and processing of personal data of the EG in the US.

You can find contact details in the imprint or under point 7 of this statement.

This website and app is subject to German Telemedia law. We did take all necessary technical and organisational measures to ensure the rules of data privacy within wer|denkt|was GmbH.

For statistical analyses of web request we use the software Matomo (formerly Piwik). Here, data is only acquired in anonymised form.

Personal data is only collected when you choose to share it while using the website and/or app (e.g. if you contact us) or if you register permanently as jobber or customer on the website or in the app.

Any information that we receive from you will be stored and processed only according to the regulations of GDPR.

A registration to this website is only possible if you read and accept our data privacy statement and agree to the processing of personal data according to the present privacy statement.

For your user registration we collect the following personal data:

  • Email address,
  • Country of residence

For your user account we will store a password which is both transmitted and stored in our database in encrypted form.

In order to complete your profile as a Jobber and/or pre-qualify for other jobs that are either aimed at a specific target group or require more information to complete them for logistical reasons (e.g. if packages are to be sent to Jobbers), we collect the following personal data:

For your user registration we collect the following personal data::

  • Tax Status,
  • Name, First name,
  • Street, House number,
  • Postcode, Country of residence,
  • if applicable, photos / documents (voluntary information while completing a job),
  • if applicable, GPS location for determining the location (voluntary information while completing a job),
  • if applicable, photo ID for age verification (voluntary information while completing a job),
  • VAT ID (if registered as trader)

For your user account we will store a password which is both transmitted and stored in our database in encrypted form.

If you want your earnings to be cashed out, which means to make out a bill to us, we store the following personal data. Either

  • bank account owner, name of bank, IBAN, BIC of your bank account or
  • the email address of your PayPal account.

For payment purposes, we use Paypal's API (so-called MassPay API) and bank transfers. For this purpose, we submit your account data and payment details to Paypal or to our bank.

We store your bank details as long as your appjobber account is active or as long as we are forced to do so by tax authorities or legal authorities or it is necessary in order to solve legal disputes and to enforce our terms of service.

If you are interested in becoming a business partner, we store the following personal data for communication purposes:

  • Country of residence,
  • Company name
  • First name
  • Surname,
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Billing address

Your personal data will be used for creating your user profile, procurement of jobs, management of jobs and payment.

The stored data can be shared in pseudonymised form without personal identification for statistical and research purposes by wer|denkt|was GmbH or research partners of wer|denkt|was GmbH (universities, colleges, institutes) and processed for the public benefit. Our technical and organisational measures ensure the principle of data minimization within this context.

When registering on you choose whether you do want to be informed about new functions and changes (newsletter). If you choose this option, you will be informed via email regularly. As a newsletter software we use Newsletter2Go. Therefore we submit your email address to Newsletter2Go GmbH. Newsletter2Go is – just like any other service provider which processes data on our account – not allowed to sell your data or use it for other purposes.

Furthermore, personal data related to job completion can be shared with third parties for completion of services e.g. delivery of goods via postal service (DHL), processing of payments via bank (Deutsche Bank, Sparkasse Darmstadt, Revolut) or for any other legal reasons such as the compliance to judicial orders. Third parties are granted only temporary access to personal data for the purpose of service completion. Neither we nor other service providers are selling or renting your personal data.

We do not share you personal data with third parties, except those mentioned.

If you share further personal data with us, we are only using it to answer and process your request and for technical administration.

If we collect further personal data during job completion that has to be forwarded to one of our clients, you will be asked to agree to this explicitly.

Nur für registrierte Unternehmenskunden gilt: Wir setzen das CRM-System Pipedrive des Anbieters Pipedrive OÜ auf Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen, der effizienten und schnellen Bearbeitung von Nutzeranfragen, Bestandskundenmanagement und Neukundengeschäft ein. Pipedrive ist eine private, haftungsbeschränkte Firma in Estland mit der Anschrift Paldiski mnt 80, Tallinn, 10617, Estland. Pipedrive verpflichtet sich zur Verarbeitung der Nutzerdaten nur entsprechend unserer Weisungen und entsprechend des EU-Datenschutzniveaus. Zur Datenschutzerklärung von Pipedrive.

You can use without disclosing personal details. Notwithstanding the above, the provider of this website is using access logs on this website to automatically register accesses. The information is stored in so-called server log files.

This website stores the following data in order to maintain system security.

  • Browser type and version,
  • operating system
  • Referrer URL
  • Hostname of the accessing computer,
  • Time of request
  • IP address
  • Contents you accessed

This data will stay anonymous for wer|denkt|was GmbH. It is not possible to identify any individual persons. A merge of this data with other data sources is not taking place.

We implement, inter alia, the following measures to protect the transmission of personal data:

  • during registration: authentification of website with at least AES128 encryption,
  • The entire communication between webserver and client is encrypted via https

It is not possible to ensure full data security for communication via email. This is why we suggest postal service for sensitive information.

For the usage of your browser needs to have cookies enabled. Cookies are files to make the website more user-friendly by remembering personal settings.

Please allow the acceptance and usage of cookies in your browser in order to use with the full range of functions.

Google Tag Manager is a solution with which website tags can be managed via an interface. The Tag Manager tool itself (which implements the tags) is a cookie-free domain and does not collect any personal data. The tool triggers other tags, which in turn may collect data. Google Tag Manager does not access this data. If deactivation has been carried out at domain or cookie level, this remains in place for all tracking tags implemented with Google Tag Manager: 

The data collected and analysed when Google Tag Manager is used is generally stored until you object to its use.

Your data privacy rights are regulated by EG-GDPR. According to these rules you have a right to request information on any personal data stored, the purpose of processing, the transmission to third parties and the duration of storage of said data.

To make use of your right to information, it is possible to receive excerpts or copies. If you wish to have an overview of the personal data we have stored about you, please send a written request to:

wer denkt was GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Straße 7
64293 Darmstadt

Any open questions you can send either

  • to the address above or
  • to the email

You can request deletion of all above mentioned personal data anytime according to GDPR. You can request deletion of your user account in your personal user profile. Alternatively, please send a written request to:

In order to receive additional information you can subscribe to a newsletter. You can cancel your subscription anytime. For this purpose, please use the unsubscribe link in the email or contact us directly.

The usage of your data for commercial advertising is excluded.

This website might contain links to other websites. Our privacy statement is only valid for our website. We have no control over websites of other providers and cannot control the compliance to data privacy there.

This website uses the web analysitivs software Matomo (formerly Piwik). Matomo uses cookies to analyse the usage of this website. For this purpose we store your user information (including your shortened IP address) on the servers of wer|denkt|was GmbH for optimising this website. Your IP will be anonymised for this analysis so that you stay anonymous. We won't share the cookie and user information about the usage of the website with third parties.

If you do not agree to the storage and processing of your data which result from visiting the website, you can object to the storage and usage anytime by disabling the checkbox. We will set an opt-out cookie, which means that Matomo does not store your session data.

Warning: If you delete your cookies you have to reset your opt-out cookie again.

Matomo opt-out

At the same time as using Matomo, the website uses the Leadfeeder service, which is operated by Liidio Oy / Leadfeeder, Mikonkatu 17 C, 00100 Helsinki, Finland. Leadfeeder accesses the list of IP addresses of website visitors provided for analysis and links the list of IP addresses with information about the companies that can be found on the Internet under these IP addresses. Because the IP addresses of website visitors are already truncated when Matomo is used, no direct personal reference is established. Further information on Leadfeeder and the data collected can be found here.

With the use of this website you agree to the previously described usage of data. The current document is valid and dated 15th May 2018.

While updating our website and implementing new technologies it is possible for this data privacy statement to change over time. We reserve the right to change this privacy statement anytime with future effect. We recommend you read the document regularly. In case of more extensive changes, we will inform all registered users via email.